
A contribution and collection application


Northwave is an indigenous financial institution registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria focuses on empowering people to attain financial freedom together with a community of friends. We aim to promote savings based on the capacity that is built on trust to achieve a common goal.


  • A world of financial freedom.


  • To build a financial free community through collaborative savings in Nigeria.

My role

Created and organized the flow of the application algorithms and structures. Worked on improving the user experience and simplifying the complex contribution system for easy upgrades in the future.

With my contribution to Northwave

  • It has launched its first version and rant up the number of registrations.

  • Was able to provide a local physical service to remote areas.

  • Has totally moved its focus on consumer design requirements.

Tech Stack

  • Dart

  • Flutter

  • Java

  • Firebase

  • Wordpress